Dental Crowns

Dentist in Norwood, MA

Our dentist may recommend a dental crown if your tooth sustains damage. Crowns cover the visible portion of your tooth, restoring its appearance and protecting it from any further damage. They can also be used in tandem with dental implants to fully replace a missing tooth. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Wonsuk Joo and find out more about dental crowns in Norwood, Massachusetts, call Norwood Dental Center at 781-762-3529.

Dental crowns are a common treatment that can be used to restore your teeth after they have suffered from damage or decay. The dental crown, also called a dental cap, can restore the size and shape of a once-damaged tooth by fitting on top of, or capping, the visible part of the tooth. The crowns come in a variety of materials, but the most common material is porcelain, since it can more easily match the appearance as well as the function of your original teeth.

A dental crown can be used to help with:

  • Restoring a tooth suffering from sustained damage
  • Supporting a tooth with a large filling
  • Improving misshapen teeth
  • Protecting a tooth following a root canal treatment
  • Capping a dental implant
  • Anchoring dental bridges
  • Strengthening a weak, cracked or fractured tooth
  • Improving the look of your teeth and smile

When you come in for a dental crown, the process will usually take two appointments. First, we will take impressions of your teeth and our dentist will prepare your tooth so that is can be ready for a dental crown. We will give you a temporary crown until you can come in for your second appointment to receive a dental crown that has been custom made for your mouth and smile. During the second visit, our dentist will check the fit of your crown and then place it, giving you a complete tooth.

If you would like to learn more about dental crowns in Norwood, Massachusetts, we invite you to reach out to us today.